Interred in Lake of the Woods Cemetery
- Ackabee, Michael
- Alcock, William Henry
- Allan, Ebenezer Smith
- Alterton, Arthur Thomas
- Anderson, Charles
- Anderson, David
- Anderson, Emil Andreas
- Anderson, George August LeRoy
- Angood, Ernest Frederick
- Armour, William
- Armstrong, Frederick Cameron
- Armstrong, Robert Wharton
- Aston, John Watson
- Atcheson, Charles Reynolds
- Atcheson, Samuel Alexander
- Atkinson, Lawrence Edward
- Atkinson, Thomas James
- Atkinson, William Henry
- Aube, Hermidas
- Austen, Charles Albert
- Bailey, Gerald Walton
- Baker, Leonard James
- Baker, Walter
- Baker, William
- Baldwin, Clarence Walter
- Bamford, Norris
- Banks, Alfred George
- Barclay, Alexander
- Barnard, Christopher George
- Barr, Donald Edward
- Barrett, Thomas
- Bateman, Ralph
- Baxendale, William James
- Beaton, Cyril Dougal
- Beatty, George Thomas
- Beckworth, Arthur Myron
- Bellamy, Joseph Frederick
- Benoiton, Etienne
- Benson, Bjornstjerni
- Bergsten, Erik Herbert
- Bissette, Ernest
- Bjornson, Sigmundur
- Black, Peter
- Blake, Alfred
- Blake, Thomas
- Blight, Marcus Joseph
- Boquist, William Norman
- Bouchard, Louis
- Boyes, Henry George William
- Bradley, Ernest
- Bradley, Walter
- Brimble, Gerard
- Brodie, Benjamin John
- Broley, Robert Wilson
- Brough, John Alexander
- Brown, Alexander McEachran
- Brown, James Gowans
- Brown, John T
- Brown, Maurice
- Brownlee, Melville Edmison
- Brunsel, George
- Brydon, John Campton Kerr
- Bull, John Arthur
- Bullen, John Crellin
- Bullen, Mary Elizabeth
- Bunting, Stanley
- Buote, Joseph Artemus
- Burgoyne, Charles
- Burnham, John Richard
- Burton, Frank
- Burton, Walter Herbert
- Bush, Edward Arthur
- Butcher, Frederick Spencer
- Butt, Ernest William
- Byers, Edgerton Wellington
- Byers, Henry Joseph (Harry)
- Byington, Charles Floyd
- Cameron, John Henesy
- Campbell, William
- Cardinal, Medore
- Carlson, Gustave Edwin
- Carlson, Ture Amandas
- Carmichael, George Raymond
- Caucutt, Edward
- Challes, William Ralph
- Chaloner, Arthur Reginald
- Chapman, George
- Charlebois, Emile
- Chivers, Patrick
- Chorney, Harry
- Clark, Charles Alfred
- Clark, Charles Bruce
- Clarke, Robert Lloyd
- Collings, Walter Frederick
- Collins, George Ernest
- Collins, John Patrick
- Comeau, Jules Peter
- Connolly, Benjamin
- Connolly, Harold James
- Cook, Joseph Emanuel
- Cooke, Henry Porter
- Coppard, William
- Cox, Arthur Mayne
- Cox, Charles Edward
- Cox, Edwin Walter
- Craig, Henry Hill
- Craig, William George
- Creed, Philip
- Creighton, Robert Bathgate
- Cromwell, Frank Wellington
- Cromwell, Louis Leo
- Cummings, Robert Edward
- Currie, Benjamin William
- Currie, William Webster
- Davidson, Raymond Glenn
- Davis, Charles Houlton
- Davis, Herbert Samuel
- Dawson, Evans William
- Day, Frederick Alfred
- DeGagne, Arthur Joseph
- Delargy, Archibald (Archie)
- Denault, John Arthur
- Derry, Willard John
- Desantils, George
- Devlin, Percy Clarence
- Dingwall, William Haldane
- Dinnel, William
- Donkin, Rupert Edgar
- Doran, Leo Getty
- Dougherty, Charles James
- Dowd, Lawrence William
- Dowds, James
- Drysdale, Alexander Abel
- Dufour, George Thomas
- Dulmage, James Silliam
- Duncan, Horatio Nelson
- Duncan, John
- Duncan, John Stewart
- Dunford, George Frederick
- Durrant, Frank Victor
- Edmonds, Albert Martin
- Edmondson, Isaac Johnson
- Edwards, William
- Elders, Arthur
- Elliott, Richard Hingston
- Elliott, Thomas Breedon
- Elmer, Rudolph
- Elmgren, Albin
- Embery, Leslie
- Erskine, Charles Stewart
- Essery, William Harold
- Evans, Stanley Ernest Stroud
- Everard, George William
- Fawcett, Edwin
- Fife, Ashton Thomas
- Findlay, John
- Finlayson, George Walter Stewart
- Finlayson, Hector John Peter
- Finlayson, Nichol
- Fisher, James
- Fisher, Robert Armour
- Fisher, Robert Davidson
- Fleming, Thomas Alexander
- Folster, George Thomas
- Fomin, John
- Foord, Arthur James
- Ford, Sydney Enoch
- Foster, Henry Fester (Harry)
- Foster, Robert
- Fraser, Gordon David
- Fraser, Robert Stanley
- Fraser, William Smith
- Freeman, John Buckland
- Friend, Alfred Henry
- Frim, James
- Frood, Andrew
- Fuller, Charles Robert
- Fullford, James George
- Gagnon, William Alfred
- Galloway, Cecil Charles
- Galloway, William Joseph Osgoode
- Gander, Ernest James
- Gardner, John Henry
- Garrood, Percy William
- Garrow, Frank Jacob
- Gault, Robert
- Gauthier, Albert
- Gibben, Paul Burman
- Gibson, Alexander
- Gibson, Ervin
- Gilchrist, Nelson Peter
- Girvan, Thomas
- Giving, Martin
- Godfrey, Chester
- Godin, Richard
- Gomez, John Orton
- Good, John Brady
- Gooding, Stratton Blair
- Gordon, Alexander
- Gordon, Charles
- Gordon, Hugh Blair
- Gordon, Marshall Vinton
- Gork, Frank
- Goulet, Raymond
- Gowsell, Walter
- Grant, Thomas
- Gray, Colin Campbell
- Gray, Fred
- Gray, Robert Robertson
- Green, Axel Alfred
- Green, Charles Stewart
- Green, James Richard
- Green, John Bennett
- Green, Oscar John
- Green, Percy Ernest
- Grellier, Raoul Augustine (Roy)
- Gudgeon, Alexander
- Gudgeon, Thomas
- Gunne, Livingston Gilbert
- Hager, Victor Emanuel
- Haglund, Otto
- Hales, Wilfred
- Hall, Thomas Harold (Harry)
- Hallett, Clarence Beamish
- Halliday, Robert Lockie
- Hamill, Harold Edward
- Hamilton, Hubert Weldon
- Hansen, Allan Nelson
- Hansen, Carl Andrew
- Hansen, Einer
- Hansen, Hans Edward
- Hansen, Henry John
- Hansen, John William
- Harkins, Alexander
- Harkins, John Jerry
- Harris, Myer
- Harris, Ralph Roland
- Harvey, Arthur Henry
- Harvey, Thomas Noel
- Hawkins, Irving Scott Ferguson
- Hawkinson, Cornelius
- Heath, George
- Heather, William James
- Heldahl, Edwin Ole
- Heminger, William David
- Hendy, John Thomas
- Henfrey, Harry
- Hicks, Arthur Norman
- Hill, Thomas
- Hinton, Charles Kenneth
- Hitchen, Frederick
- Hives, Harry
- Hogg, James William
- Holland, Herbert Edward
- Holland, Tip James
- Holmstrom, August Michael
- Holt, Harry
- Hook, Douglas Edgar
- Hooper, Frederick James
- Hooper, John Ambrose
- Hopkins, William
- Horne, William Ross
- Horwood, Amos Fred
- Houldsworth, Frederick Joseph
- House, Charles Wallace
- Howard, Clifford
- Howard, Frederick
- Hudec, Andrew
- Hudson, Cecil Thomas
- Hughes, James
- Hulmes, Frank
- Hulmes, Harry
- Hulmes, William
- Humphrey, John Edgar Alexander
- Huppe, Edmond
- Husband, Clare Elmer
- Hutton, Thomas
- Iriam, Frank Stanley
- Ivanovitch, Ladimier
- Jackson, Frederick William
- Jarrett, William Joseph
- Jefford, Albert Ernest
- Johnson, Carl Victor
- Johnson, Gustave Adolph
- Johnson, Harold John
- Johnson, Joseph Harvey (Ladd)
- Johnston, Alexander Brown
- Johnston, Christina Margaret
- Jones, Andrew
- Jones, Andrew Thomas
- Jorge, James
- Jorgenson, Gustave
- Jorgenson, Jacob
- Kaluses, William
- Kelly, William Albert
- Kendall, Ivan Lucas
- Kendall, Reuben Duffett
- Kennedy, Jean Victoria
- Kenny, James
- Kerr, David Thomas
- King, Alfred Ernest
- King, William Charles
- Kinger, John
- Kinney, Joseph Jerry
- Klabunde, Gustave Frederick Carl
- Knipe, William James
- Knutsen, Ole Bertin
- Kofalick, Paul
- Kron, Rudolph Ernest
- Lacombe, Arcidas
- Lacombe, Lucien
- Lajeunesse, Antoine Armand
- Laliberte, Eugene Collins
- Lampshire, Richard James
- Lancaster, Ivan Bruce
- LaRiviere, Alexandre
- LaRiviere, Gedeon Joseph
- Larman, William Arthur
- Lavoie, Alfred Henry
- LeBleu, Aime
- LeBleu, Samuel Jules
- Lenton, Francis Henry
- Letain, Jules Vital
- Leydier, Alphonse Jean Paulin
- Leyoux, Emile
- Lindsay, Ernest
- Lindsay, Herbert Roy
- Linklater, Charles
- Lock, Francis George
- Lodge, William Edward
- Logan, Ebenezer
- Lohman, Stewart Henry
- Longlade, Joseph
- Loranger, Oliver Raoul
- Lord, Henry Thomas
- Loudon, William Dykes
- Lough, Russell Emerson
- Loutett, Walter
- Low, Edward Hamilton
- Lundquist, Ture Edvin
- Lutz, George Barrett
- Mableson, Robert Barker
- MacDonald, Roy (Leroy)
- MacGillivray, Edmund Farquhar
- Machin, Harold Arthur Clement
- MacKay, James Stuart
- MacKay, Thomas Stewart
- MacKenzie, Stormont Green
- Mackie, Frederick Thomas
- MacWilliam, Hector Charles
- Mahoney, James Robert
- Makinen, Severi
- Maluish, George Albert
- Mann, Arthur Joseph
- Manning, Ernest David
- Mansfield, Horace
- Marchant, Albert Edward
- Marchant, Wilfred
- Marr, Henry Scott
- Marr, William
- Marshall, Henry
- Mason, Harry
- Matchett, James Arthur
- Mathewson, Alexander Charles
- McAskill, Kenneth
- McCaffrey, James
- McCall, Alfred Thomas
- McClatchie, Glen
- McClellan, Thomas
- McCloy, Charles
- McCowan, Albert Charles
- McCullagh, Thomas
- McDonald, John Henry
- McDougall, George
- McDowall, Robert Glass
- McGuffin, Emery Gordon
- McHenry, Samuel Fulton
- McIlwaine, John Edward
- McIlwraith, Hastings Shankland
- McInnis, Joseph William
- McIntosh, Alexander Arthur
- McKay, Archie Kenneth
- McKee, Robert Elsworth
- McKellar, David Gibson
- McKelvie, James
- McKenna, John Archibald
- McKie, William Anderson
- McLay, James
- McLean, Donald
- McLean, James Russell
- McLeod, Duncan (1865-1925)
- McLeod, James Norman
- McLeod, John Daniel
- McLeod, William
- McLerie, Allan Gordon
- McMillan, James
- McMurdie, Joseph Francis
- McPherson, George
- McPherson, James Leonard
- McVeigh, William James
- Meek, Thomas McDougall
- Meikle, Ivie
- Miller, David Greenhill
- Miller, Jacob William
- Milliard, John Joseph
- Millings, John Richardson
- Milton, Charles Henry
- Mitchell, William
- Mitchell, William Littlejohn
- Moore, Stewart William
- Mulholland, William Robert
- Murphy, Alfred Henry
- Murphy, Frank
- Murray, Arthur Joseph
- Murray, Hugh
- Murray, James Hugh
- Myles, Edward Andrew
- Myles, George Hilliard
- Myles, William Thomas
- Nabishe, Thomas
- Neale, Robert Ernest
- Nestok, Martin
- Newman, Ernest Maitland
- Nicolson, Laurence Sinclair
- Noble, Brook
- Noreus, Arnold Eugene
- Norquay, Donald
- Nycz, Jan
- O’Connell, John Daniel
- O’Flaherty, John Joseph
- O’Flaherty, Thomas Francis
- Odam, Ernest
- Olsen, Horace Albert
- Olson, Andrew Shalin
- Olson, August Valfrid Oskar
- Olson, John Peter
- Olson, Knute
- Ouellette, Joseph Cyril
- Page, George Hiram
- Parfitt, Arthur Robert
- Parfitt, William Joseph
- Park, John Harold Herbert
- Parmeter, Frank Richard
- Parmeter, Wallace Augustus
- Parrott, Cecil Leroi
- Parsons, Henry William
- Paterson, Alexander Stewart
- Paterson, James Stewart
- Paterson, Norman William
- Paul, Charles Alvin
- Paul, John
- Peacock, Charles
- Pearce, John James
- Pelly, Phillip
- Perrault, Edouard
- Perrault, Ernest Joseph
- Peterman, William Albert
- Piddock, Arthur William
- Plante, Alphonse Joseph
- Platford, William Robert
- Poirier, Joseph Alfred Cyprion
- Popham, Earle Cameron
- Portier, Clement
- Portier, Victor
- Powell, Wilfrid Bayley
- Presley, John Arthur
- Primmer, Harry Emmerson
- Primrose, Hiram
- Primrose, Malberry Whittington
- Proutt, William
- Quinton, Charles Henry
- Raslask, Joseph Henry
- Redding, Richard Henry
- Reeves, James George
- Reid, Matthew Robinson
- Renger, Carl
- Renner, Charles Mark
- Reynolds, Arthur
- Richards, Edward John
- Richards, William Ernest
- Richardson, Ford McQuinn
- Richman, Leon
- Ringrose, Herbert
- Ritchie, George
- Robertson, Cecil Edwin
- Robinson, Arthur William
- Roger, John Gillen
- Ross, George
- Ross, William
- Rousseau, Alfred Ferdinand
- Ruggles, Timothy Dwight
- Rushton, Horace Walter
- Rushton, Percy Frank
- Ryan, James Anthony
- Rymer, John Thomas
- Saddington, William
- Sampson, Joseph John
- Sanson, Ralph
- Sauerbrei, John Willoughby
- Saunders, George Edgar
- Savage, Albert
- Sawchuk (Savchuk), Steve
- Sawkins, Ernest Harold
- Sawkins, Frederick Frank
- Scherk, Richard Lawrence
- Schnarr, C. Nelson
- Scholin, Ole
- Schostak, Julius
- Scotland, William
- Scott, Robert Brown
- Scott, Thomas Steele
- Seller, Reginald
- Shapland, James
- Sharpin, Frederick Howard
- Sharples, Arthur Henry
- Shaw, Allan
- Shaw, Stanley Richard
- Shayer, Alexander Joseph
- Shelton, Roy Alwyn
- Shirvell, Thomas William John
- Shouldice, Joseph
- Sigurdson, Harold Edward
- Sim, Gordon
- Simister, Richard
- Simmons, Archibald Erastus
- Sinclair, Benjamin Elton
- Sinclair, Levi Wilmot
- Sinclair, Roy Frederick
- Smith, Arthur
- Smith, Frederick Thomas
- Smith, Henry
- Smith, John Alexander
- Smith, John Wesley
- Snider, Norman Wray
- Sorenson, Anton David
- Spendlow, Ernest Parker
- Squire, Job
- Starr, Arthur
- Starratt, William Blair
- Staveley, George Herbert
- Steep, Wilfred Russell
- Steinke, Daniel Ernest
- Stephen, George Robert
- Stevens, Albert John Edward
- Stewart, Charles Clark
- Stewart, Harry Raymond
- Still, Andrew
- Stokes, Charles
- Storey, Hayston
- Strain, Edgar James
- Stuart, Alexander Garden
- Stubbins, George Harry
- Sundblad, Harry
- Sutherland, John
- Swanson, Carl Johan
- Sweet, Francis Lloyd
- Symonds, Maitland Rendal
- Tanner, Frank
- Tapp, Walter
- Tatham, Albert William
- Tetroe, Joseph James
- Thomas, George
- Thompson, William Lyons
- Thorpe, Thomas
- Thrasher, John Mangan
- Tomkins, Harry
- Tompkins, Nicholas
- Turner, John Edward
- Turner, Lewis Thomas
- Turner, Thomas
- Twaduklum, Philip
- Tyson, Harry
- Valentine, David Bowhey
- Veitch, Robert
- Villeneuve, Edmond
- Villiard, Joseph
- Wade, Frederick William
- Wadman, Charles Frederick
- Wainewright, Aubrey
- Walker, William
- Waltenbery, Arthur Henry
- Warner, Harry Rupert
- Warren, Thomas Gordon
- Watkinson, William Reuben
- Watson, Sidney
- Waugh, George
- Webb, George Edward
- Webb, William George
- Welch, William George
- Welsby, George Henry
- West, William Stokes
- Whitaker, Roy Wesley James
- White, Thomas William
- Wilcox, Henry
- Wilcox, Sydney Charles
- Williams, James Percy
- Williamson, Hector Stuart
- Williamson, James
- Williamson, James Albert Richard
- Wilson, William
- Winberg, Klaus Anton
- Wingfield, Frederick
- Wismer, Ira Franklin
- Witts, Gordon Frederick Arthur
- Wood, Sydney Ernest
- Wood, William
- Woodgate, Thomas
- Woods, Percy Alexander
- Young, James
- Young, Thomas
- Zaremba, Michael