Kenora Great War Project


Interred in Lake of the Woods Cemetery

  1. Ackabee, Michael
  2. Alcock, William Henry
  3. Allan, Ebenezer Smith
  4. Alterton, Arthur Thomas
  5. Anderson, Charles
  6. Anderson, David
  7. Anderson, Emil Andreas
  8. Anderson, George August LeRoy
  9. Angood, Ernest Frederick
  10. Armour, William
  11. Armstrong, Frederick Cameron
  12. Armstrong, Robert Wharton
  13. Aston, John Watson
  14. Atcheson, Charles Reynolds
  15. Atcheson, Samuel Alexander
  16. Atkinson, Lawrence Edward
  17. Atkinson, Thomas James
  18. Atkinson, William Henry
  19. Aube, Hermidas
  20. Austen, Charles Albert
  21. Bailey, Gerald Walton
  22. Baker, Leonard James
  23. Baker, Walter
  24. Baker, William
  25. Baldwin, Clarence Walter
  26. Bamford, Norris
  27. Banks, Alfred George
  28. Barclay, Alexander
  29. Barnard, Christopher George
  30. Barr, Donald Edward
  31. Barrett, Thomas
  32. Bateman, Ralph
  33. Baxendale, William James
  34. Beaton, Cyril Dougal
  35. Beatty, George Thomas
  36. Beckworth, Arthur Myron
  37. Bellamy, Joseph Frederick
  38. Benoiton, Etienne
  39. Benson, Bjornstjerni
  40. Bergsten, Erik Herbert
  41. Bissette, Ernest
  42. Bjornson, Sigmundur
  43. Black, Peter
  44. Blake, Alfred
  45. Blake, Thomas
  46. Blight, Marcus Joseph
  47. Boquist, William Norman
  48. Bouchard, Louis
  49. Boyes, Henry George William
  50. Bradley, Ernest
  51. Bradley, Walter
  52. Brimble, Gerard
  53. Brodie, Benjamin John
  54. Broley, Robert Wilson
  55. Brough, John Alexander
  56. Brown, Alexander McEachran
  57. Brown, James Gowans
  58. Brown, John T
  59. Brown, Maurice
  60. Brownlee, Melville Edmison
  61. Brunsel, George
  62. Brydon, John Campton Kerr
  63. Bull, John Arthur
  64. Bullen, John Crellin
  65. Bullen, Mary Elizabeth
  66. Bunting, Stanley
  67. Buote, Joseph Artemus
  68. Burgoyne, Charles
  69. Burnham, John Richard
  70. Burton, Frank
  71. Burton, Walter Herbert
  72. Bush, Edward Arthur
  73. Butcher, Frederick Spencer
  74. Butt, Ernest William
  75. Byers, Edgerton Wellington
  76. Byers, Henry Joseph (Harry)
  77. Byington, Charles Floyd
  78. Cameron, John Henesy
  79. Campbell, William
  80. Cardinal, Medore
  81. Carlson, Gustave Edwin
  82. Carlson, Ture Amandas
  83. Carmichael, George Raymond
  84. Caucutt, Edward
  85. Challes, William Ralph
  86. Chaloner, Arthur Reginald
  87. Chapman, George
  88. Charlebois, Emile
  89. Chivers, Patrick
  90. Chorney, Harry
  91. Clark, Charles Alfred
  92. Clark, Charles Bruce
  93. Clarke, Robert Lloyd
  94. Collings, Walter Frederick
  95. Collins, George Ernest
  96. Collins, John Patrick
  97. Comeau, Jules Peter
  98. Connolly, Benjamin
  99. Connolly, Harold James
  100. Cook, Joseph Emanuel
  101. Cooke, Henry Porter
  102. Coppard, William
  103. Cox, Arthur Mayne
  104. Cox, Charles Edward
  105. Cox, Edwin Walter
  106. Craig, Henry Hill
  107. Craig, William George
  108. Creed, Philip
  109. Creighton, Robert Bathgate
  110. Cromwell, Frank Wellington
  111. Cromwell, Louis Leo
  112. Cummings, Robert Edward
  113. Currie, Benjamin William
  114. Currie, William Webster
  115. Davidson, Raymond Glenn
  116. Davis, Charles Houlton
  117. Davis, Herbert Samuel
  118. Dawson, Evans William
  119. Day, Frederick Alfred
  120. DeGagne, Arthur Joseph
  121. Delargy, Archibald (Archie)
  122. Denault, John Arthur
  123. Derry, Willard John
  124. Desantils, George
  125. Devlin, Percy Clarence
  126. Dingwall, William Haldane
  127. Dinnel, William
  128. Donkin, Rupert Edgar
  129. Doran, Leo Getty
  130. Dougherty, Charles James
  131. Dowd, Lawrence William
  132. Dowds, James
  133. Drysdale, Alexander Abel
  134. Dufour, George Thomas
  135. Dulmage, James Silliam
  136. Duncan, Horatio Nelson
  137. Duncan, John
  138. Duncan, John Stewart
  139. Dunford, George Frederick
  140. Durrant, Frank Victor
  141. Edmonds, Albert Martin
  142. Edmondson, Isaac Johnson
  143. Edwards, William
  144. Elders, Arthur
  145. Elliott, Richard Hingston
  146. Elliott, Thomas Breedon
  147. Elmer, Rudolph
  148. Elmgren, Albin
  149. Embery, Leslie
  150. Erskine, Charles Stewart
  151. Essery, William Harold
  152. Evans, Stanley Ernest Stroud
  153. Everard, George William
  154. Fawcett, Edwin
  155. Fife, Ashton Thomas
  156. Findlay, John
  157. Finlayson, George Walter Stewart
  158. Finlayson, Hector John Peter
  159. Finlayson, Nichol
  160. Fisher, James
  161. Fisher, Robert Armour
  162. Fisher, Robert Davidson
  163. Fleming, Thomas Alexander
  164. Folster, George Thomas
  165. Fomin, John
  166. Foord, Arthur James
  167. Ford, Sydney Enoch
  168. Foster, Henry Fester (Harry)
  169. Foster, Robert
  170. Fraser, Gordon David
  171. Fraser, Robert Stanley
  172. Fraser, William Smith
  173. Freeman, John Buckland
  174. Friend, Alfred Henry
  175. Frim, James
  176. Frood, Andrew
  177. Fuller, Charles Robert
  178. Fullford, James George
  179. Gagnon, William Alfred
  180. Galloway, Cecil Charles
  181. Galloway, William Joseph Osgoode
  182. Gander, Ernest James
  183. Gardner, John Henry
  184. Garrood, Percy William
  185. Garrow, Frank Jacob
  186. Gault, Robert
  187. Gauthier, Albert
  188. Gibben, Paul Burman
  189. Gibson, Alexander
  190. Gibson, Ervin
  191. Gilchrist, Nelson Peter
  192. Girvan, Thomas
  193. Giving, Martin
  194. Godfrey, Chester
  195. Godin, Richard
  196. Gomez, John Orton
  197. Good, John Brady
  198. Gooding, Stratton Blair
  199. Gordon, Alexander
  200. Gordon, Charles
  201. Gordon, Hugh Blair
  202. Gordon, Marshall Vinton
  203. Gork, Frank
  204. Goulet, Raymond
  205. Gowsell, Walter
  206. Grant, Thomas
  207. Gray, Colin Campbell
  208. Gray, Fred
  209. Gray, Robert Robertson
  210. Green, Axel Alfred
  211. Green, Charles Stewart
  212. Green, James Richard
  213. Green, John Bennett
  214. Green, Oscar John
  215. Green, Percy Ernest
  216. Grellier, Raoul Augustine (Roy)
  217. Gudgeon, Alexander
  218. Gudgeon, Thomas
  219. Gunne, Livingston Gilbert
  220. Hager, Victor Emanuel
  221. Haglund, Otto
  222. Hales, Wilfred
  223. Hall, Thomas Harold (Harry)
  224. Hallett, Clarence Beamish
  225. Halliday, Robert Lockie
  226. Hamill, Harold Edward
  227. Hamilton, Hubert Weldon
  228. Hansen, Allan Nelson
  229. Hansen, Carl Andrew
  230. Hansen, Einer
  231. Hansen, Hans Edward
  232. Hansen, Henry John
  233. Hansen, John William
  234. Harkins, Alexander
  235. Harkins, John Jerry
  236. Harris, Myer
  237. Harris, Ralph Roland
  238. Harvey, Arthur Henry
  239. Harvey, Thomas Noel
  240. Hawkins, Irving Scott Ferguson
  241. Hawkinson, Cornelius
  242. Heath, George
  243. Heather, William James
  244. Heldahl, Edwin Ole
  245. Heminger, William David
  246. Hendy, John Thomas
  247. Henfrey, Harry
  248. Hicks, Arthur Norman
  249. Hill, Thomas
  250. Hinton, Charles Kenneth
  251. Hitchen, Frederick
  252. Hives, Harry
  253. Hogg, James William
  254. Holland, Herbert Edward
  255. Holland, Tip James
  256. Holmstrom, August Michael
  257. Holt, Harry
  258. Hook, Douglas Edgar
  259. Hooper, Frederick James
  260. Hooper, John Ambrose
  261. Hopkins, William
  262. Horne, William Ross
  263. Horwood, Amos Fred
  264. Houldsworth, Frederick Joseph
  265. House, Charles Wallace
  266. Howard, Clifford
  267. Howard, Frederick
  268. Hudec, Andrew
  269. Hudson, Cecil Thomas
  270. Hughes, James
  271. Hulmes, Frank
  272. Hulmes, Harry
  273. Hulmes, William
  274. Humphrey, John Edgar Alexander
  275. Huppe, Edmond
  276. Husband, Clare Elmer
  277. Hutton, Thomas
  278. Iriam, Frank Stanley
  279. Ivanovitch, Ladimier
  280. Jackson, Frederick William
  281. Jarrett, William Joseph
  282. Jefford, Albert Ernest
  283. Johnson, Carl Victor
  284. Johnson, Gustave Adolph
  285. Johnson, Harold John
  286. Johnson, Joseph Harvey (Ladd)
  287. Johnston, Alexander Brown
  288. Johnston, Christina Margaret
  289. Jones, Andrew
  290. Jones, Andrew Thomas
  291. Jorge, James
  292. Jorgenson, Gustave
  293. Jorgenson, Jacob
  294. Kaluses, William
  295. Kelly, William Albert
  296. Kendall, Ivan Lucas
  297. Kendall, Reuben Duffett
  298. Kennedy, Jean Victoria
  299. Kenny, James
  300. Kerr, David Thomas
  301. King, Alfred Ernest
  302. King, William Charles
  303. Kinger, John
  304. Kinney, Joseph Jerry
  305. Klabunde, Gustave Frederick Carl
  306. Knipe, William James
  307. Knutsen, Ole Bertin
  308. Kofalick, Paul
  309. Kron, Rudolph Ernest
  310. Lacombe, Arcidas
  311. Lacombe, Lucien
  312. Lajeunesse, Antoine Armand
  313. Laliberte, Eugene Collins
  314. Lampshire, Richard James
  315. Lancaster, Ivan Bruce
  316. LaRiviere, Alexandre
  317. LaRiviere, Gedeon Joseph
  318. Larman, William Arthur
  319. Lavoie, Alfred Henry
  320. LeBleu, Aime
  321. LeBleu, Samuel Jules
  322. Lenton, Francis Henry
  323. Letain, Jules Vital
  324. Leydier, Alphonse Jean Paulin
  325. Leyoux, Emile
  326. Lindsay, Ernest
  327. Lindsay, Herbert Roy
  328. Linklater, Charles
  329. Lock, Francis George
  330. Lodge, William Edward
  331. Logan, Ebenezer
  332. Lohman, Stewart Henry
  333. Longlade, Joseph
  334. Loranger, Oliver Raoul
  335. Lord, Henry Thomas
  336. Loudon, William Dykes
  337. Lough, Russell Emerson
  338. Loutett, Walter
  339. Low, Edward Hamilton
  340. Lundquist, Ture Edvin
  341. Lutz, George Barrett
  342. Mableson, Robert Barker
  343. MacDonald, Roy (Leroy)
  344. MacGillivray, Edmund Farquhar
  345. Machin, Harold Arthur Clement
  346. MacKay, James Stuart
  347. MacKay, Thomas Stewart
  348. MacKenzie, Stormont Green
  349. Mackie, Frederick Thomas
  350. MacWilliam, Hector Charles
  351. Mahoney, James Robert
  352. Makinen, Severi
  353. Maluish, George Albert
  354. Mann, Arthur Joseph
  355. Manning, Ernest David
  356. Mansfield, Horace
  357. Marchant, Albert Edward
  358. Marchant, Wilfred
  359. Marr, Henry Scott
  360. Marr, William
  361. Marshall, Henry
  362. Mason, Harry
  363. Matchett, James Arthur
  364. Mathewson, Alexander Charles
  365. McAskill, Kenneth
  366. McCaffrey, James
  367. McCall, Alfred Thomas
  368. McClatchie, Glen
  369. McClellan, Thomas
  370. McCloy, Charles
  371. McCowan, Albert Charles
  372. McCullagh, Thomas
  373. McDonald, John Henry
  374. McDougall, George
  375. McDowall, Robert Glass
  376. McGuffin, Emery Gordon
  377. McHenry, Samuel Fulton
  378. McIlwaine, John Edward
  379. McIlwraith, Hastings Shankland
  380. McInnis, Joseph William
  381. McIntosh, Alexander Arthur
  382. McKay, Archie Kenneth
  383. McKee, Robert Elsworth
  384. McKellar, David Gibson
  385. McKelvie, James
  386. McKenna, John Archibald
  387. McKie, William Anderson
  388. McLay, James
  389. McLean, Donald
  390. McLean, James Russell
  391. McLeod, Duncan (1865-1925)
  392. McLeod, James Norman
  393. McLeod, John Daniel
  394. McLeod, William
  395. McLerie, Allan Gordon
  396. McMillan, James
  397. McMurdie, Joseph Francis
  398. McPherson, George
  399. McPherson, James Leonard
  400. McVeigh, William James
  401. Meek, Thomas McDougall
  402. Meikle, Ivie
  403. Miller, David Greenhill
  404. Miller, Jacob William
  405. Milliard, John Joseph
  406. Millings, John Richardson
  407. Milton, Charles Henry
  408. Mitchell, William
  409. Mitchell, William Littlejohn
  410. Moore, Stewart William
  411. Mulholland, William Robert
  412. Murphy, Alfred Henry
  413. Murphy, Frank
  414. Murray, Arthur Joseph
  415. Murray, Hugh
  416. Murray, James Hugh
  417. Myles, Edward Andrew
  418. Myles, George Hilliard
  419. Myles, William Thomas
  420. Nabishe, Thomas
  421. Neale, Robert Ernest
  422. Nestok, Martin
  423. Newman, Ernest Maitland
  424. Nicolson, Laurence Sinclair
  425. Noble, Brook
  426. Noreus, Arnold Eugene
  427. Norquay, Donald
  428. Nycz, Jan
  429. O’Connell, John Daniel
  430. O’Flaherty, John Joseph
  431. O’Flaherty, Thomas Francis
  432. Odam, Ernest
  433. Olsen, Horace Albert
  434. Olson, Andrew Shalin
  435. Olson, August Valfrid Oskar
  436. Olson, John Peter
  437. Olson, Knute
  438. Ouellette, Joseph Cyril
  439. Page, George Hiram
  440. Parfitt, Arthur Robert
  441. Parfitt, William Joseph
  442. Park, John Harold Herbert
  443. Parmeter, Frank Richard
  444. Parmeter, Wallace Augustus
  445. Parrott, Cecil Leroi
  446. Parsons, Henry William
  447. Paterson, Alexander Stewart
  448. Paterson, James Stewart
  449. Paterson, Norman William
  450. Paul, Charles Alvin
  451. Paul, John
  452. Peacock, Charles
  453. Pearce, John James
  454. Pelly, Phillip
  455. Perrault, Edouard
  456. Perrault, Ernest Joseph
  457. Peterman, William Albert
  458. Piddock, Arthur William
  459. Plante, Alphonse Joseph
  460. Platford, William Robert
  461. Poirier, Joseph Alfred Cyprion
  462. Popham, Earle Cameron
  463. Portier, Clement
  464. Portier, Victor
  465. Powell, Wilfrid Bayley
  466. Presley, John Arthur
  467. Primmer, Harry Emmerson
  468. Primrose, Hiram
  469. Primrose, Malberry Whittington
  470. Proutt, William
  471. Quinton, Charles Henry
  472. Raslask, Joseph Henry
  473. Redding, Richard Henry
  474. Reeves, James George
  475. Reid, Matthew Robinson
  476. Renger, Carl
  477. Renner, Charles Mark
  478. Reynolds, Arthur
  479. Richards, Edward John
  480. Richards, William Ernest
  481. Richardson, Ford McQuinn
  482. Richman, Leon
  483. Ringrose, Herbert
  484. Ritchie, George
  485. Robertson, Cecil Edwin
  486. Robinson, Arthur William
  487. Roger, John Gillen
  488. Ross, George
  489. Ross, William
  490. Rousseau, Alfred Ferdinand
  491. Ruggles, Timothy Dwight
  492. Rushton, Horace Walter
  493. Rushton, Percy Frank
  494. Ryan, James Anthony
  495. Rymer, John Thomas
  496. Saddington, William
  497. Sampson, Joseph John
  498. Sanson, Ralph
  499. Sauerbrei, John Willoughby
  500. Saunders, George Edgar
  501. Savage, Albert
  502. Sawchuk (Savchuk), Steve
  503. Sawkins, Ernest Harold
  504. Sawkins, Frederick Frank
  505. Scherk, Richard Lawrence
  506. Schnarr, C. Nelson
  507. Scholin, Ole
  508. Schostak, Julius
  509. Scotland, William
  510. Scott, Robert Brown
  511. Scott, Thomas Steele
  512. Seller, Reginald
  513. Shapland, James
  514. Sharpin, Frederick Howard
  515. Sharples, Arthur Henry
  516. Shaw, Allan
  517. Shaw, Stanley Richard
  518. Shayer, Alexander Joseph
  519. Shelton, Roy Alwyn
  520. Shirvell, Thomas William John
  521. Shouldice, Joseph
  522. Sigurdson, Harold Edward
  523. Sim, Gordon
  524. Simister, Richard
  525. Simmons, Archibald Erastus
  526. Sinclair, Benjamin Elton
  527. Sinclair, Levi Wilmot
  528. Sinclair, Roy Frederick
  529. Smith, Arthur
  530. Smith, Frederick Thomas
  531. Smith, Henry
  532. Smith, John Alexander
  533. Smith, John Wesley
  534. Snider, Norman Wray
  535. Sorenson, Anton David
  536. Spendlow, Ernest Parker
  537. Squire, Job
  538. Starr, Arthur
  539. Starratt, William Blair
  540. Staveley, George Herbert
  541. Steep, Wilfred Russell
  542. Steinke, Daniel Ernest
  543. Stephen, George Robert
  544. Stevens, Albert John Edward
  545. Stewart, Charles Clark
  546. Stewart, Harry Raymond
  547. Still, Andrew
  548. Stokes, Charles
  549. Storey, Hayston
  550. Strain, Edgar James
  551. Stuart, Alexander Garden
  552. Stubbins, George Harry
  553. Sundblad, Harry
  554. Sutherland, John
  555. Swanson, Carl Johan
  556. Sweet, Francis Lloyd
  557. Symonds, Maitland Rendal
  558. Tanner, Frank
  559. Tapp, Walter
  560. Tatham, Albert William
  561. Tetroe, Joseph James
  562. Thomas, George
  563. Thompson, William Lyons
  564. Thorpe, Thomas
  565. Thrasher, John Mangan
  566. Tomkins, Harry
  567. Tompkins, Nicholas
  568. Turner, John Edward
  569. Turner, Lewis Thomas
  570. Turner, Thomas
  571. Twaduklum, Philip
  572. Tyson, Harry
  573. Valentine, David Bowhey
  574. Veitch, Robert
  575. Villeneuve, Edmond
  576. Villiard, Joseph
  577. Wade, Frederick William
  578. Wadman, Charles Frederick
  579. Wainewright, Aubrey
  580. Walker, William
  581. Waltenbery, Arthur Henry
  582. Warner, Harry Rupert
  583. Warren, Thomas Gordon
  584. Watkinson, William Reuben
  585. Watson, Sidney
  586. Waugh, George
  587. Webb, George Edward
  588. Webb, William George
  589. Welch, William George
  590. Welsby, George Henry
  591. West, William Stokes
  592. Whitaker, Roy Wesley James
  593. White, Thomas William
  594. Wilcox, Henry
  595. Wilcox, Sydney Charles
  596. Williams, James Percy
  597. Williamson, Hector Stuart
  598. Williamson, James
  599. Williamson, James Albert Richard
  600. Wilson, William
  601. Winberg, Klaus Anton
  602. Wingfield, Frederick
  603. Wismer, Ira Franklin
  604. Witts, Gordon Frederick Arthur
  605. Wood, Sydney Ernest
  606. Wood, William
  607. Woodgate, Thomas
  608. Woods, Percy Alexander
  609. Young, James
  610. Young, Thomas
  611. Zaremba, Michael